Wednesday, February 26, 2020

HR Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HR Questions - Essay Example Conducting needs assessment requires a closer evaluation of the requirements of the employee, the responsibilities to be undertaken, and the goals of the organization. Ensuring employees’ readiness would necessitate establishing preparedness of the employee with regards to their motivation, drives and needs, behavior, and basic skills for undertaking current and future responsibilities. Creating a learning environment defines the training materials and resources, including monitoring and administration of the training program. The phase that indicates ensuring transfer of learning means that people involved in the training process must validate knowledge, skill and abilities that were developed through self-management, peer and manager’s support. Developing an evaluation plan is a measure for evaluation and performance of the training program through identification of the learning objectives, selecting an appropriate evaluation design, and undertaking cost-benefit analy sis. Selection of the training method requires determining whether traditional or e-learning methods are most effective for the organizations’ goals. Finally, monitoring and evaluating the program should determine the strengths and weaknesses of the program and address the weaknesses, as required. The two flaws of the ISD model are: (1) in real life setting, organizations rarely follow the exact step-by-step process; and (2) evaluation of its effectiveness is only done at the end-time (Noe: PPT 9). A formal learning entails a planned effort for employees to gain knowledge regarding their specific job requirements. On the other hand, informal learning is a type of learning that is not structured or rigid and is based on a trial and error method, consulting colleagues, and researching for more information through electronic means. Formal training is more preferable in situations that require adherence to rigid, formalized and highly structured strategies to

Monday, February 10, 2020

Karl Marx - Capital Ch 7 Ch 9 Sec 1 Ch 10 Sec 1 Essay

Karl Marx - Capital Ch 7 Ch 9 Sec 1 Ch 10 Sec 1 - Essay Example Yet the legions of workers who once provided labor commodity with their hands (sweat equity, in other words), the spindle operators, for instance, to whom Marx refers in Chapter 7, have been supplanted by a technological revolution that has made the computer a tool nearly as utilitarian and ubiquitous as the spindle once was. In the modern economy, technology transforms the very nature of labor and the way in which that labor produces wealth. In the â€Å"Information Age† economy, the laborer’s work product is intrinsically intellectual, a work type rooted in the cogitative rather than the muscular. It places a premium on communication, since computer-based labor is informational, allowing communication to take place in the blink of an eye, and requiring the laborer to locate, extrapolate and respond to Name 2 unprecedented amounts of information each day. Decision-making, even among a company’s lowest strata, becomes a necessary and desirable skill, a thing unhe ard of among submissive 19th century laborers held in thrall by exploitative capitalists. In tracing the process involved in producing yarn, Marx outlines a chain of events that assesses the worth of the raw material needed to make yarn, the spindle used to produce it and the labor expended to manufacture it.